Search results for: “”

  • A Simple “Hard Workout” I Keep Coming Back to

    Some years back I realized I had gotten really out of shape. I think everyone knows that feeling at some point or another. My wife wanted to get our oldest daughter into a beginner dance class at the YMCA and that turned into a family membership. So each week my wife and I would work…

  • Turn an array of objects into a table

    At work we use a number of javascript files that hold constants we can import to any of our builders or editors. The structure looks something like: So a fairly large array of objects which makes it easy to work with. With this data structure I needed to export a whole bunch of these objects…

  • I made a thing but not with code

    I got into woodworking and general maker-y stuff shortly after my wife and I moved into our first house. Since then I have tackled decks, a big playset for my kids, a couple of desks because I kept messing with my own, and a bunch of other projects I wish I kept better track of.…

  • Arrow function as class function in ES6

    If you’ve been using create-react-app and tried to build things on your own you might have done/seen/used handleClick = () => { // do thing on click } This comes from the Class properties transform plugin from Babel: So if you try to build a project on your own you’ll need to include it…

  • Simple Login Style plugin

    does anyone have a simple little plugin for custom login styles. I dont need a nuclear bomb option, just trying to make a simple thing I saw this question pop up in the Post Status slack earlier and immediately thought “that would be a quick plugin to make using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate”. So lets…

  • AAR on my Standards talk

    I posted my rambled thoughts on writing out my slides/talk for WordCamp Miami last week and I thought a after action report would be a nice follow up. I ended up editing my slides a bit after talking with Topher DeRosia who was speaking just before me as part of our mini-workshop. I left out referencing…

  • Writing WordPress plugins with Standards

    [Note: I wrote this in bits and pieces over the past week or so which has caused it to be a bit all over the place 😁 ] On May 31st I will be speaking at WordCamp Miami about the WordPress coding standards, documentation standards, and showing how to apply those when writing your own plugins. Although it isn’t…

  • I joined an agency, it’s been pretty great

    Up until the summer of 2014, I had been pretty much working alone for 8 years. With a rocky start in my early twenties, I eventually landed on a stable diet of sub-contracted agency work, graphic design, photography and finally concentrated fully on development. I did things right and incorporated early – which gave me an impressive list of titles,…

  • Writing, I should do more of it

    One of my goals for 2015 was to get a bit more active on my own site. It has taken me a few months to realize I have not actually been working on this at all. Whoops! So here we are mid April with a fresh start and a happy new year. I have a few…

  • About Me

    I’ve been working on the web since I was a teenager. I started playing with some freeware program my dad showed me in middle school and something about making a janky text and bubblegum background website made me fall in love. From there I spent some time learning Flash and making those oh so cool…